First Day Activity – Take 2

The first two days of school are half days for us. I posted about the activity I did for my few 9th and 10th graders, but decided I need to change it a little. So, this is what I came up with – Day 2 for my juniors and seniors. 


ImageI have used before in different things, but never in class. That is what I used for this activity and it worked really well. I do have the free version so it doesn’t tell who responded or the person who made the comment. There is a way to do that, but it does cost. 

Overall, I am glad I did this activity in my classes. I got some really good and honest answers. I will probably do this again year after year. 

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Kelly Berg
    Aug 29, 2012 @ 23:16:19

    How did it go?!?! I am interested in doing this with my math classes but haven’t been brave enough to do so.


    • pitoinfinity
      Aug 30, 2012 @ 05:55:13

      What part are you interested in? The polls everywhere? It worked well. I think it is best to have students register I’d it is going to be used often. They figured out real quick it was anonymous so if I were using it a lot, I would do that. I have found something else I might like better, still playing with it, socrative. I use it as exit tickets everyday. Let me know and I will tell you more. I have a colleague that did purchase the year license on polls everywhere and uses it daily.


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